Your biggest challenge isn't someone else. It's the ache in your lungs, and the burning in your legs, and the voice inside you that yells can't. But you don't listen. You just push harder. And then you hear the voice whisper can. And you discover that the person you thought you were is NO match for the one you really are.


29 October 2012

Day 90 Is Just Around The Corner

I am almost at 90 days of working out.  You know 90 days of really going at it hard.  That means more photos are coming.  I hope they show more of an improvement than the last pictures. 

09 October 2012

Spicing Up The Treadmill

I realized today that I love to run.  I love to run even more on a track or road, but for now the treadmill will do. 

When on the treadmill, I have a hard time just letting my body do it's job.  I think about my knees, ankles, what part of my foot is hitting the ground first, what hurts, what feels good or anything else like these.  However, I seem to be unable to let my body just enjoy the feeling.  It's sad really.  But probably has a lot to do with the lack scenery. 

So, to try and keep my mind away from mechanics, I decided I would try to up my speed a bit.  I have all winter to do it.  I will do it a little at a time.  Today on my 2 mile run, I ran 1/2 a mile at speed 7.  I have no idea what this means OR if it is universal between treadmills.  In other words, it means I ran a 9 minute mile pace for 1/2 a mile.  It was hard.  But I'm going to do it until it's easy, and then I'm going to run longer at that speed.  I don't really have a goal of running a certain distance within a certain time, but at least this will ad variety to my runs on the treadmill.  And it's fun. 

What fun things do you do to spice up your treadmill runs?

04 October 2012

Rebelling Body

Do you ever have those days where you wake up 2 hours after your alarm went off, you didn't realize that you were the one to turn it off, and now your panicking?

Well, I did.  Yesterday.  Apparently Zumba takes a whole lot out of me.  Not to mention a little man that didn't want to sleep through the night.  Maybe it was just my body screaming that I needed to take a day off.  So, instead of being angry with myself for not getting up, instead of trying to squeeze a workout in sometime during the day, and instead of going crazy trying to figure out how I'm going to make it up, I took the whole day to play with my kids and not worry about anything else. 

Sometimes it's a good idea to listen to my body.  Do what it says.  And just have a day of fun and rest.  It was fantastic.  A wonderful day of books, movies, treats and my little ones thought it was fantastic.  I could get used to a fun day off once in a while.

01 October 2012

Fat People Anonymous: Pizza Overload

Hi.  My name is Phannie. 

*Hello Phannie*

I am a recovering fat person.  I fell off the wagon.  I ate Pizza.  Cheesebread.  Cinnastix.  Oh the joy I felt while doing it.  And even a while afterwards, but the next day when I had it again for Lunch. . . 

OH the PAIN.  The guilty pain.  The second round didn't even taste that good.  I wanted to hurl.  I didn't.  (Bulimia, to me, is a waste of money.  Anorexia is more financially sound.  If only food didn't taste so good.)  I didn't even workout Saturday.  OR Sunday.  Which made this mornings workout  DEATH to my muscles.  I could barely get through the workout. Not to mention having to watch my fatness squish together during the ab workout first.  BLEH.   I guess that's what I get for filling my tank with crap. 

New Goal:

Fill my body with energizing foods.  Foods that will get me through my workouts.

Thank you for being my support.