Your biggest challenge isn't someone else. It's the ache in your lungs, and the burning in your legs, and the voice inside you that yells can't. But you don't listen. You just push harder. And then you hear the voice whisper can. And you discover that the person you thought you were is NO match for the one you really are.


18 October 2011

I Had No Idea. . .

just how out of shape I am. After popping my Green Bean out, I have been feeling great. Ready to run, lift weights, and just sweat all over the place. So, after being cleared to do all these things, I started by trying out the Biggest Loser Cardio Max video.

Before I was even through the 5 minute warm up, I was huffing and puffing like the Big Bad Wolf. My legs were burning and so were my lungs. I couldn't have guessed that I would barely be able to get through a 20 minute workout. I have been feeling so great. Even though it was hard and I wasn't sure I could get through it, I now feel fantastic. It feels so good to Sweating off those extra pounds. This will be a slow process, I know, but it will be worth the cardiovascular health that comes with it.

07 October 2011

And There Was Light. . .

I have reached the end of my prego tunnel. I have been cleared to exercise. I can be active with my kids. I can get outside and enjoy the elements. Oh, the euphoria.

Today was Day #1. My little Sweet Pea and I did our Winsor Pilates and Walk Away the Pounds-2 Mile. It was pretty cute to watch my toddler kicking, walking, and raising her arms like the videos. She did well. However, I didn't feel like I did so well. I forgot how hard it is to start exercising after a c-section. The pilates was really my trouble spot. I didn't get through half of the video. Oh well. Next time I will get through at least half. It's hard. I did get through the whole Walk Away the Pounds video though. It felt great.

I love sweating. Have I ever mentioned that. Oh yes. I do. I'm not going to get into any workout plans yet (although I'm dying to try Insanity). I am just going to work on doing something every day to increase my strength and endurance. So that I can start running again.

It's so hard to do a lot of things in the winter. So, my goal this winter is to find fun ways to keep myself and my little ones active. Things that we can do every time winter rolls around.

Wish me luck!