Your biggest challenge isn't someone else. It's the ache in your lungs, and the burning in your legs, and the voice inside you that yells can't. But you don't listen. You just push harder. And then you hear the voice whisper can. And you discover that the person you thought you were is NO match for the one you really are.


24 April 2009

SLC Marathon 5K

This past weekend my hubby and I had the opportunity to run in the SLC Marathon 5K. I have only run in one other long-distance race in my whole life.

I was so excited to actually train for this one (I didn't last time). Not training is a BAD idea. Anyway, This year I entered the athena division. What this means is the "fat" division, anyone over 140 lbs. (although I would give my eye-teeth to weigh that, this division does exist)

Waiting for the race to begin.

My standings:

chip time 29:35
chip pace 9:31
Athena division 7/110 (look, top 10)
Female overall 242/1522
Overall placing 666/2388

I began running last year because in January of 2008 I had reached the dreaded 200 lbs mark. I had to do something and running was part of my attack. It's now an addiction.

1 comment:

  1. You were the 5Ker of the beast or something - #666 - can't be coincidence! Good work! What does chip time and chip pace mean? (I'm new to the whole running thing.)
