Your biggest challenge isn't someone else. It's the ache in your lungs, and the burning in your legs, and the voice inside you that yells can't. But you don't listen. You just push harder. And then you hear the voice whisper can. And you discover that the person you thought you were is NO match for the one you really are.


15 May 2009

p90x again.

My day off from running was Wednesday. On my day off I usually do p90x. I love it. I didn't want to feel lazy so I decided I would give it a go. I used lighter weights than usual, which was hard to do, but good. Now I know which exercises it was good to drop weight for and which I can continue using my normal. I did the whole workout. Slower, but I still did the whole thing.


  1. Have you noticed that P90X has improved your running? We have a lot more endurance athletes doing P90X now. Runners, cyclists, and triathletes all are having great results in their improvement. I'm trying to track all of this for my triathlon club now. Just curious.



  2. Dave,

    p90x has helped out in the strength of my body and especially my legs (legs and back); however, I found the cardio to be less than I wanted it to be. It wasn't improving my endurance in the way I wanted it to. Other than that, I love p90x. It's worked for everything else. Although my husband did find that it infinitely improved his soccer endurance. And is now kicking himself for not doing p90x before this new soccer season.
