I think it's a struggle for every woman who has just had a baby to get out and exercise. It was for me. We get pregnant, eat the carbs our body is craving, stop exercising because if we get up we're going to throw up, and then we have the baby. And then we masterfully go back to our healthy eating habits and exercise regime.
Raaight! Magically we all shave off the nasty habits we have formed. No. We are now still craving the carbs, mostly because we love them and they taste good, NOT because our body needs the little extra. And we are not exercising because we are: A) lazy, 4) tired because we aren't getting enough sleep, F) don't want to show our fat ass in public (
who wants to see that, no-one), and 10) because we just don't want to.
So, getting out to exercise can be like making a kid eat their veggies or go to bed. Not pretty. But it can be done.
I'm on month 8. I still have 30 pounds to lose of my 60. (
Don't congratulate me yet for losing 30. I lost them in the first 10 minutes after delivery) There are still days I get up and don't want to leave the house. I can't seem to find a buddy to exercise with. (
Maybe someday) But I get out anyway.
I go walking every day. If I'm feeling ambitious, I walk around the neighborhood. If I'm not, then I walk to the track and walk around the track. That way I know exactly how far I have gone and I feel like I've accomplished something. This helps me get out the next day.
Then there are the days I DO NOT want to go out. But I want to exercise. I need a skinnier me back. So, I pull out all of my Sweet Peas toys, scatter them about the room, put in one of my trusty workout videos and off I go. Sweet Pea plays most of the time I am exercising. She tries to tackle me when I'm doing Yoga or Abs. It's pretty cute. When I get to the push-ups, she crawls under me and waits for me to come down and kiss her. Giggling and giggling. Adorable.
There are terrible breakdown moments. Where my Sweet Pea just can't handle letting me exercise. At that point, I'm done. It doesn't matter that I haven't reached my target heart rate or burned off enough Calories. She needs me and I'll make it up tomorrow or the next day. It's just fine.
It took me a while, but I finally found a way to feel like I got in a work out. And it feels great. How did you do it?